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Dầu trong hệ thốngnồi hơi dầu tải nhiệt, Nếu để quá nhiệt dầu sẽ gây ra sự phân hủy của dầu tạo ra các sản phẩm phụ như bùn và các chất phân hủy khác. Phương pháp giám sát dầu nhiệt hiệu quả là để theo dõi màu dầu. Màu dầu sẫm màu do sự phân hủy.
Thermal oils are heat transfer fluids that transfer heat from a hot source to the process.
If the thermal oil is overheated it causes degradaton of the oil and it forms sludge and other degradaton by-products.
An efcient thermal oil conditon monitoring method is to monitor the oil color. The oil color darkens due to degradaton.
The Kytola OIiCol on-line oil color analyzer is a cost effectve soluton for contnuous monitoring of thethermal oil color trend avoiding costly laboratory
analyzes. It enables fast reacton should any sudden oil color changes occur preventng costly damages and unscheduled down tme.
Kytola products; KYTOLA OILCOL Oil color analyzer
Kytola benefts
• OilCol is a moderately priced online analyzer
• No need for tme-consuming and expensive
laboratory tests
• Immediate informaton on changes in oil
enables fast acton
• Possibility to monitor trends/history using the
KVM sofware